Luonto Sales Training

Luonto Sales Training

Our sales training program is designed to provide you with a thorough understanding of our company and products, including brand identity, market positioning, commitment to sustainable practices, and comprehensive knowledge of our products' features and benefits to help you communicate with customers and build strong relationships.

Last Update 03/23/2023
Completion Time 1 hour 40 minutes
Members 23
Advanced Training Brand
  • Our Goal
    1Lessons ·
    • Training Goal
  • Brand Introduction
    10Lessons ·
    • Our History
    • Sustainability
    • Quality/Certifications
    • Key Takeaways
    • Brand Introduction Quiz 1
      10 xp
    • Production Methods
    • Upholstery/Upholstery Collections
    • Our Mattresses
    • Key Takeaways
    • Brand Introduction Quiz 2
      10 xp
  • Our Functions
    3Lessons ·
    • Function Features & Types
    • Key Takeaways
    • Functions Quiz
      10 xp
  • Fulfillment Programs
    3Lessons ·
    • Luonto Fulfillment Programs
    • Key Takeaways
    • Fulfillment Programs Quiz
      10 xp
  • Order Processing
    2Lessons ·
    • Submitting an Order
    • Order Processing Quiz
      10 xp
  • Our Warranty
    4Lessons ·
    • What is Covered?
    • Submitting Product or Service Ticket
    • Key Takeaways
    • Warranty Quiz
      10 xp
  • Additional Resources
    2Lessons ·
    • Now What?
    • Wiki Page